simple and fun, best!
simple and fun, best!
levelup/? screen got stuck bug
Hey, would you like to provide me some informations about how to reproduce this bug. It could help me to prevent it from happening.
kinda slow and repetitive , the missile attack is extemely underwelming (better would be on impact, like a huge explotion that destroys all enemies on range)
You need to play the full version in order to unlock the missile upgrades that make the missile more effective. Besides, there is the skull collectible that destroys every visible enemy on screen (except the boss of course). So your suggestion would unbalance the game. Enemies become harder on each level so buying upgrades is the only way to win the level. Stay tuned for updated versions on Android
NOM NOM Burpt!
We forgive you, Zabujard
aw write!, higheR scored!
Pro gamer move(just shoot to the top right corner and spam click)
fun ssansbox game 5 stars
making crappy spam cat crew gamesmsds?
There's one thing for certain,
None of us are gonna see heaven..✟
i farted and it smells!
my parents parasite
Joined on 11/18/16